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A thumbs up from America's Secretary of State and two from the Prime Minister for the first In-person international meeting since the pandemic began, but was this all premature has been held too soon. Prime Minister The day didn't start so well. India's foreign minister had come halfway around the world only to be stuck in his hotel room self isolating with his entire delegation. After two. It's officials tested positive for coronavirus by days end the foreign secretary was having to defend the decision to hold this meeting. Face-to-face immediately. We saw those tests they were into into self isolation. The diplomatic exemption has been going on right away through the pandemic, but it's been with the additional measures that we put in place and actually they work very effectively to isolate any conceivable potential risk. In this case, they didn't have in person meetings with me. They were immediately immediately that we saw those tests they were into into self isolation after two of the. G seven delegation tested positive on Wednesday morning. The Indian Foreign minister did not immediately go into isolation. despite what Dominic Rob State many have seen photographs showing the Indian foreign minister met Pretty Patel, the home Secretary and the US Secretary of State Anthony Blink. later the same day photographs have emerged from Thursday showing an unmasked Indian foreign minister with an unmasked Indian High commissioner flouting self isolation rules. By definition Self isolation requires you to stay in one room and avoid face to face contact with others. The experience with the Indian Gseven delegation shows they have no respect for rules and the law given the rising number of cases in India. Boris Johnson should tell Narendra Modi and the Indian delegation to stay away from the Gseven summit in Cornwall next month, when heads of state from the Democratic world will be gathering. The challenge for the Gseven was finding a common voice after the disruption of the pandemic and the Trump presidency, and they claimed to have been successful in doing so here critics that will say that. Covid cases show it was too early to try face to face diplomacy again, and that has implications for plans to bring heads of state together in formal in June.