
The first fully decentralized game running on Linux

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Blockchains Need the Real World

Intensive computations are impractical inside the blockchain.

slow Slow restrictive Restrictive expensive Expensive

Off-chain computations cannot be trusted by the blockchain

Welcome to Cartesi

A Linux infrastructure for scalable decentralized applications.

Intensive computations performed off-chain

Complete generality for developers

Consensus efficiently reached on-chain


A Real OS. Intensive Computation.

Cartesi offers a Linux runtime environment for blockchain DApps. Complex computations run off-chain while retaining the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain.

Guaranteed Consensus.

Computations can be verified by all parties involved in the App. Disputes are settled automatically by Cartesi. This requires negligible computation inside the blockchain, regardless of the size of the external computation.

Ease of Development and Portability.

With Cartesi, developers use familiar and powerful software components supported by Linux to create their DApps. They are free from the hassle of limited domain-specific blockchain environments. Mainstream developers can fully express themselves building Apps with the software stacks they are already familiar with. Cartesi DApps will be portable across the most relevant blockchains, so developers won’t need to worry about the longevity of specific blockchain projects.

A Decentralized Internet Powered by Cartesi

Discovering the Unknown.

Outsourced computation will allow for millions of users to lend their idle computing power. This will benefit scientific research, 3d rendering, video transcoding, and many other computationally intensive tasks in a totally trustless way, without reputation systems.

Decentralized Data Science

Cartesi's verifiable computation paves the way for decentralized data scientist marketplaces. Businesses can outsource optimization tasks to experts whose jobs will be compensated if and only if they are computationally proven to be correct.

Finance Finance

Finance. The Next Level.

Cartesi applications will be able to read and do complex calculations involving data from multiple blockchains and external sources. This will help interoperability between blockchains and services such as futures and insurance markets.


Efficient AI, by AI.

A trustless marketplace for AI and computational tasks. With the power of Cartesi’s decentralized automated verification, developers will be able to create services that allow new DApps to outsource and distribute work. This opens new possibilities for lower cost AI, developed by outsourced experts and bots.

Truly Own Your Game.

Cartesi will unleash vast new possibilities for blockchain games. Developers will be able to use the tools, libraries that can be compiled for Linux. Additionally, game state processing will be free from the computational limits of blockchains without the need to sacrifice decentralization.

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The Cartesi Team

Erick de Moura
Erick de Moura Chief Executive Officer
Augusto Teixeira, PhD
Augusto Teixeira, PhD Chief Scientific Officer
Diego Nehab, PhD
Diego Nehab, PhD Chief Technology Officer
Colin Steil
Colin Steil Chief Operating Officer
Danilo Tuler
Danilo Tuler Head of Engineering
Felipe Argento
Felipe Argento Blockchain Engineer
Carlo Fragni
Carlo Fragni Software Engineer
Victor Fusco
Victor Fusco Senior Software Engineer
Stephen Chen
Stephen Chen Software Engineer
Fabiana Cecin, PhD
Fabiana Cecin, PhD Software Engineer
Serguei Popov, PhD
Serguei Popov, PhD Senior Advisor Co-Founder of IOTA
Stas Oskin
Stas Oskin Senior Advisor Core Dev & Bus Dev of
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, PhD
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, PhD Co-creator of Lua
programming language
William Bao Bean
William Bao Bean General Partner at SOSV Managing Director at Chinaccelerator Managing Director at MOX
Boris Povod
Boris Povod Co-founder of Wings Co-founder of Cripti
Michael Hwang
Michael Hwang Managing Director, Big Bang Angels Board Member, Across Asia Alliance
T.k. Hamed, Founder of CTE Advisor
T.k. Hamed Founder of CTE Advisor
6 Year Crypto Veteran
Growth Hacker & Strategist

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